Friday, December 26, 2008

Robots and Automatons

Think of this picture being taken 20 years ago or 10, or even 5.

Impossible? Absolutely.

Technology. It scares me to even comment on, much less write about this, or even Robots.

This picture shows two of our great-grandsons Benjamin 6, on the left; and Elijah 9, on the right. You might have guessed that this was taken on Christmas Day. You’re right. The instructions on the box for Benji say it’s for 8 year olds. Don’t tell him. He has no problem of remotely moving it around, on 3 distinct wheels - any direction at all. From 10 feet away! (Don’t tell him, but this 84 year old is “too young” for this.) And, Elijah’s WALKS, on two large flat feet. They also move their arms; pick up things; and grunt and even TALK - controlled remotely!

These days, it’s almost impossible to surprise me about the new Technologies. But these “Robots” do. And, these are apparently only elementary - using today’s standards.

Even so, they “blow my mind”.

What IS a robot?


ro·bot [rṓ bòt, rṓbət]
(plural ro·bots)
1. programmable machine for performing tasks: a mechanical device that can be programmed to carry out instructions and perform complicated tasks usually done by people
2. imaginary machine: a machine that resembles a human in appearance and can function like a human, especially in science fiction
3. person like machine: somebody who works or behaves mechanically and emotionlessly
4. South Africa traffic light: a set of automatic traffic lights (informal)

[Early 20th century. Via German < Czech , < robota "forced labor"; coined by Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (1920)]

-ro·bot·ic [rō bóttik], , adj
-ro·bot·i·cal·ly [rō bóttikəlee], , adv
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

One of these definitions that I like is: “perform(s) complicated tasks usually done by people.”

That’s a work saver! Could be used by lazy people - such as I. (I wonder if you could program it to make my bed?)

So far, the “robots” I know about, are programmed by people, and are not independently resourceful. But, that’s only those I KNOW about. Don’t you hear of some that sometimes even think for themselves? (Don’t forget - I’m scared about even commenting on these things that I know so little about.)

But, a TRUE “robot” IS programmed by human beings. According to Encarta, a robot is “programmed to carry out instructions.”

Then, there are “automatons”.


au·tom·a·ton [aw tómmətən, aw tómmə tòn]
(plural au·tom·a·tons or au·tom·a·ta [aw tómmətə])
1. independent and complex machine: a machine that contains its own power source and can perform a complicated series of actions, including responses to external stimuli, without human intervention
2. somebody who acts like machine: somebody who behaves like a machine in emotionlessly obeying instructions and performing repetitive actions

[Early 17th century. Via Latin < Greek , neuter of automatos "acting by itself"]

-au·tom·a·tous, , adj
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

I’d like to comment on this partial definition:

somebody who behaves like a machine in emotionlessly obeying instructions and performing repetitive actions

Some people observing dedicated Christians following Jesus have mistakenly taken us to be “automatons”. We obey God’s “Instructions” from the Bible as we understand them, and try to follow them - but NOT “emotionless” or “mindless” obedience, but obedience never-the-less.

Here are some of God’s “instructions:

“Let each esteem others better than himself”. Philippians 2:3
“Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh”. Gal. 5:16
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved”. Acts 16:31
“ Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”. John 3:16
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel”. Mark 16:15

And many others.

Not automatons. Nor robots. But rather, obedient ones - of our own choosing. I have put our actions as follows:

“I do what He wants, because His Will is my desire.”

I have a choice. A robot, or an automaton does not!

Praise the Lord!

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